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Nancy Redman Testimonials

"She was great!  The entire room stayed right until the end--an unprecedented  occurrence!  Nancy [Redman] was perfect in engaging just the right people, and touching on just the right topics....Following her performance, most of the audience came up to her after the show thanking, praising, chatting....She really is a lovely and sweet person, and it was our pleasure to have her..."
Ellen Munick
Temple Emanual
Andover, MA

"She [Nancy Redman] WOWed our group with her humor as well as her warm demeanor following her performance.  I saw many in the audience laugh until they cried.  One of our ladies told me later that it takes real talent to make an old lady laugh and she had seen many of our older members laughing heartily during the show."
Debra Pazos 
Congregation B'nai Zion Sisterhood
El Paso, TX

"Nancy [Redman] came through for us. She had the room laughing and I mean belly laughs."
Jim Bailey
Temple Israel
Portsmouth, NH

"Nancy [Redman] was a treat in every way.  Her stand-up was fun and funny; she "read" her audience well, and engaged and interacted with them throughout her performance.  It was gratifying to hear the laughter rolling across the auditorium....Nancy was very easy to work with--sweet, appreciative--and was a gracious guest at our reception."
Julie Sherman
Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg
Harrisburg, PA

"Nancy's performance was delightful and extremely funny.  She had the entire audience laughing throughout."
Sue Siegel
Temple Beth An
Framingham, MA


Tom Anzalone
Paul Bond
Jim Dailakis
Vic DiBitetto
Mike Eagan
Melvin George
Rodney Laney
Jay London
Leighann Lord
Kerri Louise
Don MacArthur
Marshal Manlove
Vinnie Mark
Bill McCarty
Mike Morse
John Pizzi
Nancy Redman
Johnny Rizzo
Peaches Rodriguez
Patty Rosborough
Steve Shaffer
Bruce Smirnoff
Paul Venier
Neko White
Tom Whiteley